Olen melko varma, että jos katsot ensimmäisen videon, katsot toisenkin.
Olen katsellut Varoufakiksen haastatteluja - jotkin hyvinkin pitkiä - useampana kuukautena. Nämä kaksi antaa kuitenkin hyvin tiiviin kuvan tapahtumista ja mihin Eurooppa on menossa. Videossa on englanninkielinen tekstitys ja se on julkaistu 12.5. 2016:
"In his brief 7-month tenure as finance minister of Greece, Yanis Varoufakis became one of the most prominent figures in Europe, as the leader of the newly elected radical left government’s negotiations with its lenders, the European Central Bank (ECB), the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the European Commission, collectively known as the troika.
In his talk with AthensLive, Varoufakis comments on some of his experiences with SYRIZA’s leadership – Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, Vice-President Yannis Dragasakis and his successor in the ministry, Euclid Tsakalotos– as well as the ECB’s president Mario Draghi, Germany’s chancellor Angela Merkel and finance minister Wolfgang Schauble, the IMF’s head, Christine Lagarde and its chief technocrats, Poul Thomsen and Delia Velculescu.
He also considers the current situation in Greece and shares his thoughts on Europe’s future, as rough times are all but in the past."
ja toinen:
Published on May 16, 2016
In the second and final part of our exclusive guerilla interview with Yanis Varoufakis, we discuss the Greek media, the The Labour Party's strategy on the #Brexit referendum and the goals of his newfound Diem25.official movement."